How Else You Can Help

Whilst any donations received will be sent to the frontline in Indonesia, it’s not just funding that’s of assistance. You can also:

  • Help spread the word and join The Little Faceface Project group on Facebook, or follow on Twitter.
  • Comment (politely) on as many so-called ‘cute’ videos of pet slow lorises on YouTube as possible, directing people to watch the Tickling Slow Loris the Truth video, and informing them of the real situation.
  • Do a search for ‘slow loris’ and ‘slow lorises’ on Twitter, and if you find people tweeting the ‘cute’ videos do the same as the above.
  •  Sign the petition asking YouTube to remove any videos which glamourise owning a slow loris as a pet.

3 thoughts on “How Else You Can Help

  1. Hi. It is fantastic to read your page. I am pleased to se that people do care and are becoming active. I am Thailand based and currentley help rescued Slow Loris. I have emailed some of the large organisations and projects for help and advice.I await their answers.
    Keep up the good work

  2. Congratulations on your committment to helping the Slow Loris.
    Everybody can help spread the word. Lets help ban the YouTube videos portraying the keeping of Slow Loris which is a ridiculous thing to do.
    Remove the demand and stop the supply. people need to realise these Slow Loris are wild animals, NOT DOMESTIC PETS.

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